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The Cultural Committee is dedicated to all forms of culture that reflect network’s guiding principles.


It provides intellectual and financial support for art and performance projects that are related to LGBTI issues. For example, network makes one-off or recurring contributions to support film festivals, theatre performances and art exhibitions and encourage people to visit them, provided they are relevant to its concerns.

Cultural Award
One of the Committee’s core activities was the network Cultural Award, which was presented every two years to projects from different art forms from 2001. The award winners were:

  • 2004 Theatre, Andreas Stadler         
  • 2006 Visual Arts, Yan Duyvendak         
  • 2008 Music, Martin Oro
  • 2010 Dance, Chris Leuenberger     
  • 2012 Film, Bavo Defurne             
  • 2014 Literature, Simon Froehling
  • 2016 Photography, Raphael Hadad
  • 2018 Visual Arts, Yannick Lambelet

Walter Pfeiffer (2006, Photography) and Christoph Geiser (2014, Literature) also received honorary lifetime achievement awards.

A decision was taken in 2019 to stop presenting the Cultural Award in this form and to turn it into the more general network Award, which recognizes individuals and organizations that have gone above and beyond for the LGBTI community.

Cultural trips
The Committee also plans and runs multi-day cultural trips, which are generally open to all Networkers. network visited Paris in 2013 and Rome in 2014,

and its very first cultural trip in 1996 was a visit to the Furka Pass. This cross-cultural event with American writer Edmund White featured an encounter with land art in the Alpine region, a long hike and “Déjeuner sur Rochers” (lunch on the rocks).

Since then there have been many exciting trips offering encounters with exceptional people and cultural highlights. For example, Networkers have visited Monte Verità at Ascona, Strasbourg, Berlin, St. Petersburg, and World Pride 2019 in New York.

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